Yue Miao
Postdoctoral Researcher
E-mail: yuemiao@fas.harvard.edu
I am a postdoc passionate about uncovering the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular memory. While memory is often associated with neural networks, other cell types, such as muscle cells and memory B cells, also exhibit memory-like phenomena. Intriguingly, habituation to mechanical stimuli in the unicellular ciliate Stentor indicates that memory can occur at the single-cell level. This captivating phenomenon inspires my exploration of what mediates memory in Stentor.
During my PhD at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I studied intracellular trafficking processes in neurons and epithelial cells using C. elegans as a model. With training in cell biology and molecular biology, I am eager to investigate the molecular basis of cellular learning and memory in Stentor. By the way, keeping worms in the lab is like keeping dogs and fish at home—I love them all.